Some quick examples of “V.I.P. Private e-Consulting” in use:
(I refer to my private e-consultant customers as “PC’s”)
1. I have a “PC” customer who emails me (2 to 3 game match-ups usually) and will ask me “what 2 or 3 team parlay I like the best?”.
2. I have a “PC” customer who likes to bet teasers and will send me a game match-up and will ask my opinion on what 2 team teaser I like on the side/total. (This customer I’m referring to is one of the funniest and most successful private consultant customers I have, and has been with me ALMOST from the initial launch of T.F.I.O.)
3. I have a “PC” customer who will text me sometimes right before a game starts and ask “real quick who do you like in this game?”.
The list goes on and on. I have even helped other customers brand, build and start websites online with everything from coming up with the initial company name, the branding, and even the slogans sometimes. So if there’s ever anything you want to ask me, feel free. I mean I can’t help with legal matters or medical matters, things of that nature… but if I have an opinion I’ll be glad to share it with you no matter what subject normally, it doesn’t always have to be about sports. My IT team is one of the best in the business and I will utilize them for you anytime you need it. This BONUS IT service is worth the price of the “private e-consulting” in itself.
Is this service 7 days a week?
YES but I tell all “Private e-Consulting” Customers to try and limit the picks / questions to 1-2 per day if possible, just so I have a chance to get back to everyone. Emails & Texts are returned on First-Come, First-Serve Basis.
If you have been following T.F.I.O. or dealt with us in the past you know first hand that we could take any game on the board and make a better selection than 95% of the handicappers in the WORLD. There are only a handful of people ON THE PLANET, that can do what me and my team are capable of, and that’s a FACT! $1,999/month or $19,999 year for the private e-consulting and FREE BONUS services I provide to my customers is a STEAL. The knowledge alone you’ll walk away with the first year will be as valuable as the picks you receive with it.
Why aren’t the UNBIASED Sports Picks Included in the Private Consulting Fee?
Simple, to remain UNBIASED! I can’t be thinking about “oh he will not renew his e-Consulting service if I don’t win these games”, otherwise guess what happens? You GOT IT! Not to mention “UNBIASED Picks” are now the favorite of one of my biggest syndicate customers. So I do NOT know how long they will be available to the public. But like I have always said… The “private consulting” is by far a better value long term for smaller players. So don’t hesitate, I’m BACK Baby!!! and at the recommendation of my “genius” IT department we are now accepting BITCOIN in addition to PAYPAL. This will take me personally some time getting used to, but I’m excited for my customers who can now utilize the anonymity of bitcoin payments. I have always shown my customers easy ways to implement privacy, and once I have more knowledge myself regarding this currency… I’m sure I will implement even further ways of using it for me and my customers benefit. 2016 is going to be an exciting year for sure I predict.
$1,999 in BITCOIN for 1 MONTH of T.F.I.O. Private eConsulting
$19,999 in BITCOIN for 1 YEAR of T.F.I.O. Private eConsulting.
YEARLY eConsulting includes ALL V.I.P. Quick Picks at no additional charge!
$2,200/month T.F.I.O. Private eConsulting PAYPAL Subscription
Subscribe MONTHLY Now

Just send us an email to WIN[@] for a custom Bitcoin Invoice.