I initially created this service for my high end customers (business exec’s, semi-famous personalities, and private syndicates etc…) who were sick and tired of being inundated with phone calls or being harassed via email or at work from unscrupulous business people, boiler room operations, etc… to the point where they had to change all their phone numbers (both work & cell), shut down their small businesses, and in some cases even move from where they lived! I have also had customers tell me they had to step down from VERY HIGH paying positions because of harassment at work. So my #1 goal is to make sure this doesn’t ever happen to you in the future. The initial privacy lock setup for customers takes about 30 days from start to finish (depending on time of year and your availability), but after we get you setup and show you how to properly operate online? It will become second nature to you, and at the very least make you more aware of your online actions and consequences.
So what’s included in this “Privacy Lock” Package?
24/7 email support & Live Chat when available.
We will help you create a totally LEGAL & LEGITIMATE online persona to help you remain as anonymous as we possibly can and make it as difficult as possible for those to find out personal home & work contact info. You’ll have your own blog, a twitter account etc… to match with your online persona. So when you make online purchases, you’re not giving away all your private & personal information, that can later be used to harass you. Those “FREE Pick” call ins and forms you put your information into? Can wind up costing you BIG TIME!
Which I truly consider to be the MOST VALUABLE ASSET on this planet. You will know everything you need to know to actually do this yourself for friends and family. So if you want to invest the time for others? You’ll actually have the knowledge and tools to do so. If you don’t have the time? In which most of our customers do NOT, we will be glad to offer you discounts on additional “privacy lock” packages purchased for your friends & family. Staying as anonymous as possible online is SO IMPORTANT these days, so I truly believe this service is a MUST-HAVE protection!!! The KNOWLEDGE alone I believe is worth the yearly price without everything else WE ACTUALLY DO for you year in and year out.
The COST??? Well in this case let’s not think of it as a COST, let’s think of it as the amount of aggravation you’re going to save by purchasing 🙂 which is ONLY $9,999 Per Year, and as each year goes by we will be improving and perfecting the service together. If you have any questions just send an email to WIN@TheFIXisON.com